Halloween in Ghana

Bats Bats
These bats make us think about Halloween. There are a lot of them in Accra.

As night approaches the bats
start flying around to find food.

The bats are out!

Is this a witch---no it's Sister Markham in the coven. Sisters Armstrong and Markham decorated their offices and had some goodies out. It took a while to get people in the trick or treat spirit, but people eventually decided there was no 'trick' here. Markham Coven

Trick or Treat Ever try to explain American halloween traditions to someone who has never seen it? "You dress up in funny or scary costumes, go to strangers' houses and knock on the door. When they answer you say, 'Trick or treat,' and they give you candy." The Ghanaian response is, "Really, why?" Nevertheless, the locals quickly learned to say trick or treat.

What did we like best about Halloween in Ghana?
The pictures we got from home!
Melanie Ella
Melanie with a lollypop,
or is that a microphone?
Ella the butterfly

Jack-o-Cake Jack-o-Lantern
Give Carolyn, the chef, a chance
and she'll bake
you a theme cake.
Give Jeff, the med student,
a pumpkin and he'll
do some fancy surgery!

Jeff's Masterpiece
Muff, the cat, inspects the

Jacob's first pumpkin
Jacob's first halloween was fun!

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